Fire/EMS Siren Comparisons

Pathfinder® PF400 Pathfinder® PF200 Pathway™ PA300 PA300-100 PA4000
Total Output Wattage 400 W 200 W 100 W 200 W 100 W 200 W
FS Convergence Network
Air Horn
PA (Public Address)
Siren Tones
Remote Control Head •* •* •*
Slide Switch •* •* •*
Lighting Control •†
SignalMaster™ Control
Built-in Timer Feature
Programmable Inputs & Outputs •**
Load Management
FS Vehicle Integration/OBD Integration
Integrated Dual-Tone
Integrated Rumbler® Traffic-Clearing Capability
Rotary Switch •* •* •*
Warranty (years) 5 5 5 3 5 5
* Select Models
** Inputs only
† Through Convergence Network ports only
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